Leontynka, Ltd. – Terms and Conditions 2015

1. Contact Details of the Seller                      

Title: Leontynka, s.r.o
Seat: Milešovská 1326/ 4, Praha 3, 130 00
VAT:    247 403 65
Registered: Leontynka, Ltd. is registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File No. 170393
Phone:  +420 222 951 931
GSM:  +420 603 437 953
E-mail: david@leontynka.cz
Adress: Milešovská 1326/ 4, Praha 3, 130 00
List of establishments: Milešovská 1326/ 4, Praha 3, 130 00
Opening hours: 10:00 – 18:00

2. Information


3. Delivery of Ordered Videos

4. Withdrawal from the Contract


5. Protection of Personal Data


6. Dispute Resolution