Time: 13:32CZ - Brno - BVV - Šlechtitelka - Poliak - Poliaková - winemaker - ZFP - winery of the year - tasting
Time: 12:10CZ - technology - industry - Toyota - Radioshuttle - rack - forklift - warehouse
Time: 11:35CZ - building - Českomoravská - záruční - rozvojová - banka - ČMZRB - manager - meeting - office
Time: 05:20CZ - sport - Ledeč - gym - ball games - rings - badminton - training - buck
Time: 10:35CZ - education - Ledeč - observatory - telescope - microscope - chemistry - experiment - mathematics - Guinea pig
Time: 06:46CZ - health care - embryo - cell - division - artificial insemination - fertilization - laboratory - microscope - IVF
Time: 06:27CZ - business - AV - buffet - meal - dish - reception - videomaping - tasting
Time: 06:39CZ - people - AV - conference - QR CODE - lecture - discussion - cinema room
Time|: 07:18CZ - Prague - buildings - AV - waterworks - steam engine - sewer - tunnel - pump - history
Time: 09:29CZ - culture - acrobatics - acrobat - exhibition - girls band - guitar - drums - slow motion
Time: 06:58CZ - politics - V4 - Austria - summit - Babiš - Pellegrini - Morawiecki - Orban - Kurz
Time: 04:12CZ - industry - engineering - hall - machines - arc - Attl - Sibřina